Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV

Sexually transmitted infections and HIV were topics of our next Course of Education Sexual on 25th May. We were answering questions like:

What are sexually transmitted diseases?

What is HIV and AIDS?

How I can prevent these infections?

How can I identify them?

Traditionally we had coffee break and a lottery, this time we donate fan because it’s getting hot in Mexico now.

Reducir Reutilizar Reciclar

It was real fun and great experience working with the children from kindergarten in Colona Santa Maria on Monday and Friday 13th and 17th May. At first day we had came there with our friends – animals from the forest which helped us to teach children to take care about their nearest surrounding by separating trash into appropriate containers. We did a small theatre play with the animals and then children had to help them to clean the forest by finding and separating paper, plastic bottles and cans.

On the second day we made crafts with plastic bottles – Owls (although some of them looked more like a penguins, anyway children and their parents had fun)

Here You can see how to do it as well

And very nice song explaining the aim of the workshop – Reducir, Reutilizar, Reciclar

And some photos from the workshops

Contraceptivos and responsible reproduction

The 4th Course of sexual education which took place on 11tth May concerned topic of contraceptivos and responsible reproduction. This problem is serious especially in Colonia Santa Maria where we work. Our beneficiares often have more than 5-6 children without having enough resources to raise them. That is why we were answering basic questions regarding this theme like what are contraceptivos? How many types are and how to use them¡ And how to plan the family?

Traditionally we had prepared coffe break and a lottery in the end of the course. This time we donated a microwave. We had more participants then before so we are glad that the courses are becoming more popular in Colonia de Santa Maria. Here come some photos.